Abstract minimalism. 

These abstract minimalistic paintings are result of studies between the relation of void and shapes in three-dimensional architectural forms translated into canvas. Modernist shapes are grounded in complex geometric forms in order to create multiple readings of the final image, always perceived in motion by a constant shift from negative to positive spaces and vice versa. 

Works exhibited in:
Canal Gallery - Barcelona, Spain
BASE Galeria - Bilbao, Spain
Ground Effect Galerie - Paris, France
Antigalerie - Paris, France
Eclektic Group, Generator Hostel - Paris, France
- Salon international d’art cotemporain carrousel du Louvre - Paris, France
Mundaka BC - Mundaka, Spain
Arteuparte Tabakalera - San Sebastian, Spain
SILO - Bilbao, Spain
Industry Makers - Huntington, Long Island New York

Solo exhibitions:
BASE Galeria - Bilbao, Spain
- “HIRU”
BASE Galeria - Bilbao, Spain
Galerie Niek Waterbolk
2018 Utrecht, the Netherlands

- “usted está aquí”
Galerie Niek Waterbolk
2019 Utrecht, the Netherlands

- Conference at Instituto Cervantes - Utrecht the Netherlands
”De Malevich a Oteiza y Chillida”

“Recorrer el periplo creativo de Gondra supone también descubrir que la abstracción geométrica es un espacio vasto, un campo fértil para la experimentación. El periplo del autor de Mungia parte del blanco y negro, y adquiere una progresiva complejidad. Sus lienzos parecen remitir a la visión parcial de objetos tridimensionales, a planos que entran en calculada colisión. Las composiciones aquilatadas nos hablan de un trabajo guiado por la razón.

La creación más personal no está reñida con la no figuración de sentido constructivista. Las últimas piezas revelan a un artista que ya no teme revelar sus procesos de trabajo, que incorpora el gesto y el error, y otorga un papel importante a las texturas. La muestra de Gorka Gondra es un camino hacia la libertad, un ejercicio siempre interesante para el crecimiento de los artistas y el desarrollo de una sociedad madura”.

- Gerardo Elorriaga para El Correo

b. 1978, Bilbao, Spain

Gorka Gondra

Born in Bilbao, Spain in 1978.
Studied applied arts and graphic design in New York.

Lived and worked in the Middle East, USA, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Paris and now is based back in Bilbao.
His work follows the lineage of abstract expressionism in continuation of its Basque Modern Art heritage.

Photo credit @lu_keai

Photo credit @lu_keai


“Painting allows me to represent things not as close entities but many open layers deconstructing them and joining them back through their shadows and voids merging in a solid colour.”



The curves of this two dimensional painting are overflowing out of the canvas to lead us to the very decentered epicentre : this is where you are.

This painting is depicting one landscape from three different points of view. The third dimension is converted into the two dimension when applied on the canvas translating dynamic lines in one unexpected curvy shape. The void created out of these geometrical structure turn itself eventually back to space.


Like modernist poetry, this is a flat painting with three dimensional character spreading lightly into the space out of its canvas straight to you.


Fragile segments, exploring the canvas, crossroads, tracing unexpected paths, slight turns or going straight to the point to create a final shape out of the voids..converging to the same point where you are looking at.


You see first the lines to read the shape. Shapes made out of voids defined by the dynamic segments showing ways, paths, directions between the forms to show you where you are.